Mr. Kent Abernathy (USMA ‘79)
Executive Director, The National Commission on Military, National and Public Service

President, West Point Women; Chief Information Security Officer, Johnson & Johnson

Lieutenant General Joseph Anderson (USMA ’81)
Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7, U.S. Army

Mr. Young Bang (USMA ’93)
Senior Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton

CDR Kate Higgins-Bloom (USCGA ’00)
Response Officer and Cutterman, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Hampton Roads

The Honorable Charles F. Bolden, Jr (USNA '68)
12th Adminstrator of NASA

BG (Ret) Dana Born, (USAFA '83)
Co-Director, Center for Public Leadership, Faculty Chair, Senior Executive Fellows Program, Harvard Kennedy School of Government; Former Dean of the Faculty, U.S. Air Force Academy

Mr. Herman E. Bulls (USMA ’78)
International Director & Vice-Chairman, Americas, Jones Lang LaSalle; Board Director for Tyco, USAA and West Point Association of Graduates

Dr. Timothy Butler
Senior Faculty Advisor to Career Development Programs at the Harvard Business School

The Honorable Mark H. Buzby (USMMA ’79) (RADM USN, Retired)
Administrator, Maritime Administration, U.S. Dept. of Transportation; Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, Retired.

Mr. Michael Chung (USMMA ’00)
Head of Government Solutions, Bugcrowd; Former Head of DOD’s “Hack the Pentagon” Program

The Honorable Matthew S. Collier (USMA ’79)
Vice President for Business Development, PenFed
The Honorable Michele Flournoy
Co-Founder and Managing Director, WestExec Advisors; Former CEO and Co-Founder, Center for a New American Security (CNAS); Former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Ms. Sue Fulton (USMA ’80)
Chair & Chief Administrator of the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission; Vice Chair, USMA Board of Visitors

Col. (Ret.) Gregory D. Gadson (USMA ’89)
Managing Partner, Patriot Strategies

Mr. Rob Gordon (USMA ’79)
Chief Global Affairs Officer, Connected Living, Inc.

Dr. Chris Howard (USAFA ’91)
President, Robert Morris University

BG Cindy Jebb (USMA ’82)
14th Dean of Academic Board, U.S. Military Academy

RDML Michael Johnston (USCGA ’90)
Commandant (CG-93) - Director of Acquisition Programs & Program Executive Officer

Vice Admiral Andrew L. "Woody" Lewis (USNA ‘85)
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Operations, Plans and Strategy (N3/N5)

President of KPWDC
CAPT (Ret.) Barbette Lowndes (USNA ’80)
President, USNA Women's Shared Interest Group

Mr. Syeed “Sid” Mansur
CEO, DeepCortex

GEN (Ret.) Stanley McChrystal (USMA ‘76)
President, The McChrystal Group

Ms. Cathy McClain (USAFA‚ 82)
CEO, Dauntless Leadership; Chairman of the Board, Air Force Academy Association of Graduates

BG (Ret.) Mike Meese (USMA ’81)
EVP & Secretary, AAFMAA; Visiting Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute for National Strategic Studies, NDU; Adjunct Professor, Security Studies Program, Georgetown Univ.; Former Head, Department of Social Sciences, USMA

The Honorable Robert A. McDonald (USMA ’75)
8th U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs; Retired Chairman, President and CEO of Procter & Gamble
Reverend Tracy Mehr-Muska (USCGA ‘96)
Presbyterian Minister of Word and Sacrament, Wesleyan University

Ms. Kathy J. Metcalf (USMMA ’78)
President and CEO, Chamber of Shipping of America (CSA); Member of first USMMA class to include women

CDR (Ret.) Erica Mohr (USCGA ‘96)
Founder and CEO, Be Mohr LLC; Executive Director, The Sasamani Foundation

Admiral Bill Moran (USNA ’81)
39th Vice Chief of Naval Operations

Admiral Charles W. Ray (USCGA ’81)
31st Vice Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard

Mr. James Schenck (USMA ’88)
President and CEO, PenFed.

MG (Ret.) Bruce Scott (USMA ’72)
President, The Olmsted Foundation

Mr. Joseph F. Sifer
Executive Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton

Mr. Ron Steptoe (USMA ’87)
CEO, Warrior Centric Health LLC

Mr. Darren Sumter (USMA ’88)
Global Accounts Manager, LinkedIn Talent Solutions

RADM (Ret.) Cari Thomas (USCGA ‘84)
Former Executive Director, The Navy League of the U.S.; Board Member, DACOWITS (Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services)

Maj Gen Linda Urrutia-Varhall (USAFA '84)
Director of Operations at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency; First female of Hispanic descent to become a General Officer in the U.S. Air Force

Mr. Fletcher “Flash" Wiley (USAFA ’65)
Chairman, PRWT Advisory Board; Counsel, Morgan Lewis; Chairman of the Air University Board Of Visitors