Ms. Marene Allison (USMA ‘80)
Chief Information Security Officer, Johnson & Johnson; President, West Point Women

Mr. Joseph B. Anderson (USMA ’65)
Chairman and CEO, TAG Holdings LLC; 2016 recipient of USMA Distinguished Graduate Award

Mr. Anshul Arora
Founder and CEO, Edvance Group; Global Expert on Early Childhood and K-12 Education

Ms. Patricia “Tosh” Barron
Board Director for Aramark Corporation, Global Crossing North America, Reynolds Metals Company, Teleflex and USAA

BG (Ret.) Dana Born (USAFA ’83)
Faculty Chair, Senior Executive Fellows Program, Harvard Kennedy School of Government; Former Dean of the Faculty, U.S. Air Force Academy

COL (Ret.) Todd Browne (USMA ’85)
President and CEO, West Point Association of Graduates

Ms. Trier-Lynn Bryant (USAFA '06)
Head of University Recruiting, Twitter

Mr. Herman E. Bulls (USMA ’78)
International Director & Vice-Chairman, Americas, Jones Lang LaSalle; Director, West Point Association of Graduates

Professor of Leadership at The George Washington University; senior fellow at the GW Cisneros Hispanic Leadership Institute; former U.S. Secretary of the Army under President Clinton

General (Ret.) John F. Campbell (USMA ’79)
Former Commander of the Resolute Support Mission and United States Forces —Afghanistan

Partner, Hughes Hubbard & Reed

Founder, White Rhino Partners (executive coaching and executive recruiting)

CDR (Ret.) Dave Church (USNA ’67)
Director, Joint Service Academy Career Programs

MajGen (Ret.) Chris Cortez (USMC)
Vice President of Military Affairs, Microsoft

Mr. Carlos Del Toro (USNA '83)
President Elect, White House Fellows Alumni Association and Foundation; President & CEO, SBG Technology Solutions

Mr. Doug Doan (USMA ’79)
Founder, Hivers and Strivers

Major General (Ret.) Sharon K. G. Dunbar (USAFA ’82)
VP of Human Resources, General Dynamics Mission Systems

The Honorable Michele Flournoy
CEO and Co-Founder, Center for a New American Security (CNAS); Former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

VADM James Foggo, III (USNA '81)
Director, Navy Staff

Mr. Robert L. Gordon III (USMA ’79)
President, Be The Change; Former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Military Community and Family Policy

Partner, Luse Gorman; director, Assure Holding Corp; former special counsel to the chief counsel for the Corporation Finance Division of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

CEO, RallyPoint

Mr. Jake Harriman (USNA ‘98)
Founder & CEO, Nuru International

Partner and Practice Leader, Government Affairs and Association Practices, Heidrick & Struggles

Ms. Lani Hay (USNA ’97)
Founder and CEO, Lanmark Technology; Named one of Fortune Magazine's Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs

CDR Kate Higgins-Bloom (USCGA ’00)
Response Officer and Cutterman, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Hampton Roads

Dr. Chris Howard (USAFA ’91)
President, Robert Morris University

CAPT Wesley S. Huey (USNA '87)
Permanent Military Professor & Former Director, Division of Leadership Education and Development, U.S. Naval Academy

BG Cindy R. Jebb (USMA ‘82)
, 14th Dean of the Academic Board, U.S. Military Academy

Ms. Kimberly Jung (USMA '08)
CEO & Co-Founder, Rumi

Mr. Andrew Kemendo (USAFA ’08)
Founder and CEO, Pair

Mr. David Y. Kim (USMA ’88)
Co-Founder & CEO, Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation

Ms. Kate Kohler (USMA ‘96)
Principal, Korn Ferry

Mr. Chad Losee
Managing Director of MBA Admissions and Financial Aid, Harvard Business School

Ms. Alaina Love
Creator of The Passion Profiler; Former Global Executive Director of Human Resources for Merck

Chairman, USAA

CAPT (Ret.) Andrea Marcille (USCGA ‘89)
President, U.S.Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association

Ms. Michelle Mazanec
Director, SACC Career Conference

Dr. Joseph McCarthy
Former Senior Associate Dean and Director of Degree Programs at Harvard Kennedy School

BG (Ret.) Mike Meese (USMA ’81)
COO, AAFMAA; Visiting Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute for National Strategic Studies, NDU; Adjunct Professor, Security Studies Program, Georgetown Univ.; Former Head, Department of Social Sciences, USMA

Admiral Charles D. Michel (USCGA ’85)
30th Vice Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard

Mr. Charley Moore (USNA ’87)
Founder and CEO, Rocket Lawyer

Mr. William “Bill” Murdy (USMA ’64)
Chairman, Thayer Leader Development Group; Former Chairman and CEO, Comfort Systems

Ms. Lauren Murphy
Director, Career & Professional Development, Harvard Business School

Mr. Joel “Thor” Neeb (USAFA ’99)
President, Afterburner

Mr. Jess Posey (USNA ’83)
Head, JSABM Career Transition Resources in the DC area for Service Academy Grads

Mr. Bill Rausch (USMA ’02)
Executive Director, Got Your 6

Mr. Carl Savino (USMA ’78)
President, Corporate Gray; Chair, Career Advisory Services, West Point Society of DC
GEN (Ret.) Norton A. Schwartz (USAFA ’73)
President & CEO, Business Executives for National Security; former Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force

MG (Ret.) Bruce Scott (USMA ’72)
President, The Olmsted Foundation

Ms. Jacqueline Stennett (USMA ‘90)
Vice President, AcademyWomen

Mr. Ronald Steptoe (USMA ’87)
Founder and CEO, Warrior Centric Health

Mr. Henry Stoever (USNA ’88)
Chief Marketing Officer, NACD(National Association of Corporate Directors)

Vice Admiral Sandra L. Stosz (USCGA ’82)
Deputy Commandant for Mission Support, U.S. Coast Guard; Former Superintendent of the United States Coast Guard Academy; First woman to command a U.S. military or service academy; First female graduate of the Coast Guard Academy to achieve flag rank

Mr. William "T" Thompson (USAFA ’73)
President and CEO, Association of Graduates, U.S. Air Force Academy

COL (Ret.) John Tien (USMA ’87)
Managing Director, Citi; First Asian-American Cadet First Captain in West Point’s history

LtCol (Ret.) Joe Wallis (USNA ’86)
Senior Military Engagement Manager, Microsoft

Sharon Hanley Disher (USNA '80)
Owner, Annapolis Redesigns, LLC; Founder and Director, Y.E.S. – Young Engineers and Scientists of Maryland, LLC.